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Minutes 1-28-14

Cumberland Conservation Collaborative

Meeting Notes – January 28, 2014– Cumberland County Service Center, Carlisle


Rick Rovegno welcomed the group; self-introductions were made. Attendees are listed at the end of these minutes. CCC Website


A demonstration of the new CCC website was conducted by Jerry. The site is live at


Members and associates are asked to review the site, particularly with respect to references to their own organizations, for errors of any type. These, and any suggestions as to format, look and feel, content, or other changes that would make it better, should be sent to Jerry.


Preservation activities Vince DiFilippo reported that: The County farmland preservation funding (all sources) will total $2.2 mil in 2014. The County government part will be approximately $250 k with about $40 k from the General Fund. This is better than last year and should fund the preservation of perhaps 5 farms. The Silver Spring Land Preservation Review Board had its first meeting the night before. Hopefully more municipalities in Cumberland County can take advantage of the successful process followed by the Preserve Silver Spring movement.


Rick stated that on the basis of the successful Silver Spring ballot measure, he was going to the South Middleton Supervisors to urge them to do the same.


Project identification


Jerry reported on the 6 surveys received (which are posted on the website under “Documents”). All essentially focus on individual organizational missions. Rick urged members to take a look at what others do and consider what can be done in a collaborative fashion.


A general discussion ensued regarding integrated projects, need for further brainstorming and/or committees to suggest possibilities. It was agree that the results of the last brainstorming session from breakout sessions at the Nov. 12, 2012 CCC meeting would be a good starting point at the next meeting. (A summary of those proposals is included with these minutes.)


It was agreed that the focus of the next meeting would be appropriate projects that could be accomplished this calendar year. For the good of the order:


CVRTC: Gave a presentation to the West Penn Board of Supervisors. They voted to support CVRTC expansion through West Penn. There are still some right of way permits yet to be acquired to complete the entire Carlisle to Newville trail.


Conodoguinet Creek WSA: Repair and maintenance of retention ponds are critical for Conodoguinet water quality. A company wants to put a CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) close to the creek. No township decision has been made yet. CWSA is planning an educational panel public panel discussion and CCC members are invited.


Shippensburg Organic Farm: Current farm on campus will be displaced by construction of a new hotel. New site has not yet been established.


Dickinson GIS: Always looking for community service related student GIS projects.


Partnership for Health: Looking for input of environmental impact on health services to go into Sentinel to assist in community education.


Audubon: Asked about possibility of a County conservation referendum as a follow-up from the last meeting. Rick believes that such a move is premature – need some small wins first. Political climate is not right for this sort of thing right now.


Green-CAUSE: Will be beginning the EPA’s MS4 run off best practices and procedures classes beginning Feb. 8 with Watershed 101 at Trails and Trees Environmental Center, 1731 S. York Street, Mechanicsburg.


LeTort Regional Authority: Organization is looking to go to Bonnybrook Rd. (150 yd. spur). Would like to partner with Master Gardeners for native plants. Next meeting:


The next CCC meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 17 from 6 to 8 pm at the Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau in the basement of the Carlisle Borough Building at 53 W. South Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.


--------------- Projects generated during breakout sessions during the November 27, 2012 CCC meeting------------


 Clean water and air: Form a formal working relationship with local governments on clean water and storm water management issues. Non-profit groups can educate homeowners/businesses on basic stormwater management, do stormwater audits, and help municipalities learn and meet stormwater permit requirements.Conduct workshops for streamside landowners on lawn care and practices that don’t pollute streams. Introduce concept of buffers.Have a public tree-planting event with a local landowner or municipality.Compile a list of watershed related groups in the county.


Trails, hiking, and biking Create a public map for identification of private properties that the County would like to own and manage. This would assist in the creation of a system of interconnected trails linking all communities in Cumberland County.


Land conservation, education, and financing Bird Town – encourage municipalities to become “Bird Towns”Commitment by muni authorities to protect and improve bird habitats and water conservation on public landsEngage people in creating bird friendly habitats on their private landsProtect funding of farm preservation in Cumberland CountyEducation programMultiple events per yearRaise awareness of the importance and benefits of preserved open space, green space, and farmlandBuild support for conservation programsInvolve people in experiencesGet families outsideDevelop programs for underserved populationsPromote development within urban areasPrevent sprawl, prevent loss of green spaceMarket idea of living in town, redevelop areas already served by public infrastructureConnect urban centers with greenways




1/28/14 Attendees:


Ciarrocca James  Dickinson College

DiFilippo Vince  Silver SpringTWP

Garrett Paul  Green-CAUSE

Jansen Agda CV Rails to Trails

Kanth Alicia CCWA

Raley Becca Partnership for Better

Rovegno Rick CCC

Saintz Julia Shippensburg U. Organic

Schmidlein Bob CV Rails to Trails

Weigl Herb LeTort Regional

Wilkes JerryCCC

Williams Stephanie Cumb. Co. Planning

Zeph Paul Audubon



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