Serving our County.
The Cumberland Conservation Collaborative (CCC) seeks to act together to protect, restore and enhance natural resources and quality of life in Cumberland County.
March 9, 2020, 6pm
Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau
53 West South Street, Carlisle PA 17013
Minutes 4-27-15
Cumberland Conservation Collaborative – General Meeting
Meeting Notes – April 27, 2015 – Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau, Carlisle
Rick Rovegno welcomed the group, and the meeting began with “for the good of the order.” Attendees are listed at the end of these minutes.
Around the Room:
LeTort Regional Authority: No trail cleanup on stream May 16 – will be cleaning graffiti on bridge on 16th. Expect a new Borough camera being installed in park to also cover bridge.
Capital Resource, Conservation, and Development: A new storm water management guide is available from Mechanicsburg.
CVVB: There is a new grant program available – guidelines are on the CVVB website - - along with a new Found It guide.
South Mountain Partnership: SMP mini grant program is now open. Details on website. May 1 SMP is hosting a “go local for health” summit. Again, details on website.
Partnership for Better Health: PBH is also a partner on the above summit. Waiting to include the Carlisle Quest in summer walking program.
Clean Air Board: American Lung Association will release test results Friday (May 1). We expect improvement from the last (3 years ago) measurement. This is the result of many regulatory changes.
Trout Unlimited: Stream updates delayed due to weather. Still expect Youth Camp to be in June. Watercress farm is up for sale on LeTort – waiting for grant to try and buy.
Conodoguinet Watershed Association: May 16 cleanup is on schedule. Please contact Gil Freeman to participate. Paul Garret is organizing for the creation of a report card for Cumberland County waterways in support of a “state of the streams” for the county. For example, we have 30 years of data on the LeTort.
Cumberland Valley Rail Trail Club: Held cleanup last Saturday (April 25) on new part of the trail.
Rick reported that he has continued sending out letters followed by phone calls to school principals in the county. Results have been favorable and he expects members desiring educational presentations listed on our website to be contacted.
Consideration of supporting CVRTC grant requests:
Jim Mader presented a request for the CCC to support CVRTC grant requests to DCED and DNR to fund having the trail extension cross Route 233 and continue to Big Spring High School. Among other advantages, Newville children would be able to safely walk or bike to school.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to authorize Rick to sign a letter of support (previously circulated) of the CVRTC’s grant requests.
Next meeting: The next CCC meeting will be at 6 pm on June 22 in the CVVB.
4/27/2015 Attendees
Au ThomasClean Air Board
Farr Shireen CVVB
Freedman Gil CCWA
Hogenborth Chet CV Trout Unlimited
Mader Jim CVRTC
Peterson Jon ATSMP
Richards Susan Capital RC&D
Rovegno Rick CCC
Schmidlein Bob CVRTC
Schneider Bill CSF
Weigl Herb LeTort RA
Wilkes Jerry CCC
Witwer Gail PBH