Serving our County.
The Cumberland Conservation Collaborative (CCC) seeks to act together to protect, restore and enhance natural resources and quality of life in Cumberland County.
March 9, 2020, 6pm
Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau
53 West South Street, Carlisle PA 17013
Minutes 6-13-16
Cumberland Conservation Collaborative – General Meeting
Meeting Notes – June 13, 2016 – Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau, Carlisle
Board Attendees: Rick Rovegno, Anna Yelk, Ben Mummert, Gil Freedman
Jerry Wilkes has resigned as Executive Director to pursue an exclusive interest in being retired. We thank Jerry for his work and wish him well in retirement.
Prior to leaving Jerry will complete the following tasks:
1). Renew web domain through 2018
2). Review website and make sure everything is up to date
3). Put together a website editing guide to transition website to a volunteer
4). Develop a final project report for DCED Grant
There will be some residual funds from the grant left over and will need to be accounted for in the final report. Depending on the amount of time required to perform the tasks, the residual will be somewhere between $2000-$4000.
On a motion by Anna Yelk and seconded by Ben Mummert we will commit the remaining funds to the printing of a synopsis of a report on the economic benefits of protecting open space and natural resources. This report will be printed and disseminated by Audubon PA to local elected officials, planners and business leaders to continue our educational mission.
As we function moving forward Rick will have his office staff send out meeting notices as well as prepare and email minutes of meetings
Susan Richards and Capital RC&D will maintain and update website for the next year.
Gil Freedman suggested having the meeting schedule be quarterly as well as having organizations which could not attend sending “around the room” updates via email for dissemination to keep all participants informed of others initiatives. It was moved and seconded that meetings will be held quarterly from now on, not bi-monthly.
Anna Yelk suggested a review of the CCC’S mission to determine continued appropriateness and if any modifications are required.
Ben Mummert suggested that a core function of the CCC is to be a clearinghouse of information between Collaborative members. Working together, The CCC should educate public and private sectors and promote commitments of funds for environmental stewardship and outdoor recreation for member’s projects.
During the General Membership meeting several tasks and initiatives were discussed as focuses for the Collaborative in the next year:
General outreach and education targeting public and private sectors in Cumberland County.
Promoting increased public funding for conservation at Municipal and County levels.
Laying the groundwork for an increase in support for environmental and outdoor recreation projects through Cumberland County’s Land Partnerships Program.
Continue to make available our 501C3 status for use of our members to receive, account for and administer grants.
Maintain communications and coordination of our efforts with the South Mountain Partnership to insure our efforts are coordinated with regional efforts.
*The next meeting will be Monday September 12th at 6 p.m. location will probably be The Visitors Bureau conference room but that will be confirmed.