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Minutes 9-24-13

Cumberland Conservation Collaborative

Meeting Notes – September 24, 2013 – Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau, Carlisle


Rick Rovegno welcomed the group; self-introductions were made.  Attendees are listed at the end of these notes.


Jerry Wilkes explained the need for the CCC to propose a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors of the Coalition for a Sustainable Future (CSF) as specified in CSF’s By-Laws.  CSF will conduct a fourth quarter meeting for the election of officers at a date to be determined.  If elected, the new CSF Board will take over on January 1, 2014 and amendments to the articles of incorporation can begin.  This is the same evolutionary process that changed the Susquehanna Conference to the CSF in 2010.


After discussion, the following were unanimously agreed to as the CCC nominees for CSF Board of Directors:


President: Rick Rovegno

Vice President: Gil Freedman

Secretary:  Jerry Wilkes

Treasurer: Susan Richards

Member at large: Bill Schneider

Member at large: Anna Yelk

Member at large: Ben Mummert


Stephanie Williams outlined the County’s online survey supporting the Mission and Operational Review.  To provide input using this survey, go to, choose the “Commissioners” box, and then the “Mission and Operational Review” drop down choice.  A choice titled “Resident Survey” is available on the right side of the page.  Rick urged all CCC members and associates to get their members to fill out this five minute survey and make their positions known.


Note:   On that same web page you will find a feedback box where you can also send feedback to the County Commissioners regarding the Mission and Operational Review.


Rick mentioned the Sept. 30 Cumberland County Commissioners meeting being held at 7 pm at the Silver Spring Township Building as another opportunity for CCC members and associates to be seen and heard regarding the County’s priorities regarding farmland preservation and other environmental activities.


Some highlights from “Around the Table”:


John Clarke (PA CleanWays): Finishing up major projects – looking for additional dump sites to tackle.

Boyd Weary (Farmland Preservation): Just spoke at a Kiwanis meeting – they are very interested in farmland preservation and other conservation topics.  Rick stated that we need to form a speaker’s slate to provide speakers for groups like Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.


Herb Weigl (LeTort Regional Authority): Looking to expand existing trail from Spring Garden St. into South Middleton TWP.


Jeff Williams (Silver Spring TWP Parks and Rec): SS has the opportunity to acquire 50 acres of former golf course (on a flood plain along the Conodoguinet).  If acquired by the TWP, the parcel would be allowed to return to a natural state.


Thomas Au (Clean Air Board):  Schools will be given color coded flags to be flown below the national and state flags indicating the air quality forecast.  Supporting materials will be provided to support integrated science lessons on air quality.


Rick: The next CCC meeting will be on Tuesday, November 19 at 6 pm in the CCVB.




Au Thomas

Clean Air Board

Bittner Ed CSF

Clarke John CCWA/PA CleanWays 

Copenhaver Valerie CAEDC/CVVB

Dellinger Adam Capital RC&D

Freedman Gil CCWA

Mummert Ben Central PA Conservancy 

Raley Becca Carlisle H and W

Richards Susan Capital RC&D

Rovegno Rick Citizen

Schneider William CSF

Schmidlein Bob CVRTC

Seiple Don CCWA

Tuckey Jane CVATC

Wagner Tanya CSF

Weary Boyd Farmland Preserve

Weigl Herb LeTort Regional Authority

Wilkes Jerry CCC

Williams Stephanie C.C. County Planning Dept 

Williams Jeff SS Twp Parks and Rec

Zeph Paul Audubon PA





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