Serving our County.
The Cumberland Conservation Collaborative (CCC) seeks to act together to protect, restore and enhance natural resources and quality of life in Cumberland County.
March 9, 2020, 6pm
Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau
53 West South Street, Carlisle PA 17013
Board of Directors 6-23-14
Cumberland County Coalition for a Sustainable Future/Cumberland Conservation Collaborative
Minutes of the June 23, 2014 meeting of the Board of Directors
President, Rick Rovegno called the new Board of Directors to order at 5 pm. The following Board members were present and constituted a quorum:
Rick Rovegno
Gil Freedman
Jerry Wilkes
Susan Richards
Bill Schneider
Anna Yelk
Ben Mummert
The minutes from the February 11, 2014 meeting were approved
Following discussion regarding creation of a CCC Geocaching Trail, which would highlight the efforts of individual members in a family friendly way, it was agreed that the CCC would pursue a CVVB grant to assist with costs of such an effort. The Geotrail would jointly support tourism to the County as well as providing a educational/recreational activity for County residents.
To that end, the following motion was proposed and seconded:
The CCC Coordinator is authorized to apply for a grant of $5000 from the CVVB to support creation of a conservation focused Geotrail.
Discussion on the May 3 Clean Cumberland Action Day:
Participation from members was not as high as expected. This was likely due to the short notice. However, a dumpster was filled and good work was done by those who did participate. It was agreed that there should be a fall and spring cleanup and that the dates should be decided and advertised now to increase planning time and participation. Grant match documentation as a result are attached.
For future planning, the following dates were agree upon:
Fall cleanup: September 20, 2014
Spring cleanup: May 16, 2015
Discussion on future funding: Question is – what can the CCC do to add value to local grants?
Monday, July 28, 2014 at the CVVB was reconfirmed for the next general meeting of the CCC.
The Board adjourned at 6 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Jerry Wilkes