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Board of Directors 6-23-14

Cumberland County Coalition for a Sustainable Future/Cumberland Conservation Collaborative

Minutes of the June 23, 2014 meeting of the Board of Directors


  • President, Rick Rovegno called the new Board of Directors to order at 5 pm.  The following Board members were present and constituted a quorum:


Rick Rovegno

Gil Freedman

Jerry Wilkes

Susan Richards

Bill Schneider

Anna Yelk

Ben Mummert


  • The minutes from the February 11, 2014 meeting were approved


  • Following discussion regarding creation of a CCC Geocaching Trail, which would highlight the efforts of individual members in a family friendly way, it was agreed that the CCC would pursue a CVVB grant to assist with costs of such an effort.  The Geotrail would jointly support tourism to the County as well as providing a educational/recreational activity for County residents.


To that end, the following motion was proposed and seconded:


The CCC Coordinator is authorized to apply for a grant of $5000 from the CVVB to support creation of a conservation focused Geotrail.


  • Discussion on the May 3 Clean Cumberland Action Day:


Participation from members was not as high as expected.  This was likely due to the short notice.  However, a dumpster was filled and good work was done by those who did participate.  It was agreed that there should be a fall and spring cleanup and that the dates should be decided and advertised now to increase planning time and participation.  Grant match documentation as a result are attached.


For future planning, the following dates were agree upon:


Fall cleanup: September 20, 2014

Spring cleanup: May 16, 2015


  • Discussion on future funding:  Question is – what can the CCC do to add value to local grants? 


  • Monday, July 28, 2014 at the CVVB was reconfirmed for the next general meeting of the CCC. 


  • The Board adjourned at 6 pm.



Respectfully submitted:




Jerry Wilkes





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