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Meeting Notes 9-9-19


Cumberland Conservation Collaborative – General Meeting

Meeting Minutes: September 9th, 2019, Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau, Carlisle


Rick began the meeting and initiated introductions.


Topics Shared:


Steph Williams of the Cumberland County Planning Department reminded everyone of the Land Preservation Forum taking place September 10 at the South Middleton Township building. Steph also informed the table that at least 50 people from varying municipalities in Cumberland County and representatives from York County, had registered to attend the forum.

Rick added that several key people and organizations were attending the forum and reminded the table that it’s more important to reach essential organizations and leaders.


Gil Freedman of the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association announced the huge success of a volunteer planting event, totaling about 10,000 planted. Gil also informed the table that due to the large volume of volunteers, the CCWA is asking volunteers to reserve for cleanups.


Michael Mehrazar of Penn Future announced that there will be a “climate strike” on the capitol steps on September 20 beginning at 12 p.m.


Joel Hicks of Dickinson College shared with the group that the previously held climate change forum was a success and provided suggestions for the upcoming climate change forum on October 16.

Katy Hess of the South Mountain Partnership announced the approaching event, PA Greenways & Trails Summit in Shippensburg on September 22-24.


Rick handed out a tentative schedule for the October 16 Climate Change Forum and discussed the planned strategies, such as including Q&A time slots.


Following a few suggestions for the climate change forum and asking for any further input, Rick closed the meeting.


Attendees: Joel Hicks, Jim Mater, Tom Au, Herb Wiegl, Ben Mummert, Rick Rovegno, Austin Stoltzfus, Steph Williams, Scott Drzyzga, Gil Freedman, Michael Mehrazar and Katy Hess.


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