Serving our County.
The Cumberland Conservation Collaborative (CCC) seeks to act together to protect, restore and enhance natural resources and quality of life in Cumberland County.
March 9, 2020, 6pm
Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau
53 West South Street, Carlisle PA 17013
Meeting Notes 7-15-19
Cumberland Conservation Collaborative – General Meeting
Meeting Minutes: July 15th, 2019, Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau, Carlisle
Rick Rovegno began the meeting and started around the table introductions.
Topics Shared:
Lindsay Varner, of Cumberland County Historical Society, discussed possible solutions to save Scott Farm.
Lindsay Varner also added that the Conservation Round Table will occur at 9 a.m., July 25, at the 2 Mile House.
Tali MacArthur, of POWR, asked the board what resources local watershed organizations need and overviewed POWR’s mission.
Jim Mader, of Cumberland Valley Rail Trail, announced the addition of two new miles of trail.
Anna Yelk, of Central Pennsylvania Conservancy, announced the Night of Flight happening on July 26 at 7:30 p.m.
Mike Mehrazar, of PennFuture, announced the talk with Senator Ward about environmental concerns which is taking place at the McConnellsburg office on July 25, 1 p.m.
Preservation Pennsylvania announced that on July 18 at 5 p.m. it will be hosting a discussion regarding new changes to the building.
Joel Hicks, of Dickinson College, announced the dates of the two climate change forums. The first one occurring on September 5 at 5 p.m. on campus.
Steph Williams of Cumberland County Planning Department announced the confirmed guest speakers, including Bill Gladden, the executive director for the French and Pickering Creek Conservation Trust and the former director of Chester County Open Space Preservation Program, for the September 10 talk regarding land preservation.
Neil Leary, of Dickinson College, discussed the climate change forum scheduled for October 16 noting that the goals of the forum is to raise awareness and have the audience form a consensus. Rick added that the October forum will focus on the effects of climate change in a small, specific aspect. The planning group discussed possible forum names to attract a larger crowd.
Kelsey discussed the live stake program including how it helps, how to participate and highlighted successful live staking strategies.
Rick announced the Board’s choosing of a communications intern to update the website, attend meetings and possibly work on organizations’ social media.
Rick dismissed the meeting, reminding the members of the next meeting on September 9.