Serving our County.
The Cumberland Conservation Collaborative (CCC) seeks to act together to protect, restore and enhance natural resources and quality of life in Cumberland County.
March 9, 2020, 6pm
Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau
53 West South Street, Carlisle PA 17013
Meeting Notes 11-11-19
Cumberland Conservation Collaborative – General Meeting
Meeting Minutes: November 11, 2019, Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau, Carlisle
Rick Rovegno opened the meeting began around-the-table introductions.
Holly Smith, the Master Watershed Steward Coordinator for Penn State, discussed vandalism occurring at Wagoner’s Gap Hawk Watch. She announced that teams of volunteers have cleaned up the area.
Holly announced a December 11th partner meeting directed toward recruiting and retaining volunteers for the Master Watershed Steward Program.
Michael Mehrazar of PennFuture, discussed a November 20th event focused on addressing the history of climate change.
Gill Freedman of the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association announced that over 1,750 lbs. of trash was removed in three outings by volunteers.
Jim Mader of the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail reminded the table of another 2 miles being added to the trail.
Jim announced the planned planting of a quarter of an acre’s worth of wildflowers to serve as a pollinator meadow at the eastern end of Allen Road.
Jim discussed the potential roadblocks to constructing the trail created by nearby residents.
Michael presented the multiple bills currently in the Pa. House of Representatives and two that have passed to the Senate. The bills deal with petrochemical energy companies in Pa. and would ease the process for these companies. Some bills incentivized tax breaks and would establish new guidelines for petrochemical companies.
One bill would create a new government commission in which only â…– members would be required to have engineering experience.
Michael addressed the members as a politically- neutral party but aimed to bring attention to the bills.
Rick discussed the climate change forum, acknowledging the big turnout. Discussed how Peter Buckland was able to succeed and took notes on his previous success. Rick spoke about Cumberland county’s potential goal to mimic Peter Buckland’s accomplishment.
Rick brought up potential 2020 forum goals. Reaching for at least 2 educational forums per year. Rick asked attendants for forum ideas.
Several members mentioned the topic of water quality for a potential forum and water quantity.
Tom mentioned State College’s protective water zones to preserve quality and quantity.
Michael proposed the idea of a candidate’s forum, and Rick announced that the CCC has to tread lightly on topics regarding politics.
Rick closed the discussion after asking the table for any further input.
Rick said the next meeting will be held on January 13th.