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Carlisle Quest:  Goal 3

Carlisle Quest: Goal 3                                                                                               Approx. 1.1 miles


Start: Veteran’s Park (corner of High and Hanover St, Carlisle)


The major streets of Carlisle are laid out north-south and east-west.  For example, the square in Carlisle consists of Hanover St., running north-south, and High St., running east-west. 


Walking directions will sometimes be given in cardinal directions (e.g. turn east) so it is important that you maintain a directional “sense” throughout your walk.  Otherwise, you could become lost.  Proceed at your own peril.


There is a Civil War memorial in Veteran’s Park to those Cumberland County soldiers who fell in the “Great Rebellion”.  Look up the names of the following soldiers – each is on a different tablet that refers to a compass direction.  Remember what direction each represents. 


Rueben Line

Levi Rupp

Daniel Stum


From the square, go Rueben Line until the cross street is Levi Rupp; turn Daniel Stum and proceed. 


Walk until you come to an intersection with “225” on steel.  Turn right and walk up the street like a cracker.


Go to the first stop sign, turn left, and keep walking.


You will come to a (often) busy road.  Carefully cross it and bear right.  You will see a high brick wall on your left.  Go through the “people passage” following the walkway.


You will find what you seek on the backside.



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Goal 1     Goal 2     Goal 3     Goal 4     Goal 5     Goal 6     Goal 7     Goal 8     Goal 9

Carlisle Quest is a creation of Cumberland Conservation Collaboration and is supported by the Partnership for Better Health, Carlisle Parks and Recreation Dept. and the  Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau.

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