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Carlisle Quest:  Goal 4

Goal 1     Goal 2     Goal 3     Goal 4     Goal 5     Goal 6     Goal 7     Goal 8     Goal 9

Carlisle Quest: Goal 4                                                                     Approx. 1.5 miles


Start: Veteran’s Park (corner of High and Hanover St, Carlisle)


The major streets of Carlisle are laid out north-south and east-west.  For example, the square in Carlisle consists of Hanover St., running north-south, and High St., running east-west. 


Walking directions will sometimes be given in cardinal directions (e.g. turn east) so it is important that you maintain a directional “sense” throughout your walk.  Otherwise, you could become lost.  Proceed at your own peril.


There is a monument in Veteran’s Park erected in 1940 by the DAR.  In October 1753 somebody headed a commission; remember his last name.


Go west from the square until you come to a cross street with a hospital sign.  Go the direct opposite of the sign’s arrow. 


Continue walking over railroad tracks. 


Continue walking past a very large empty lot on your right.


Turn west at the intersection where you find a (small) jeweler.


Turn south at the street with the name you found on the monument at the square and proceed.


At the corner of this street and one named for a past President, you will find a large building on your left.


What you seek will be within 20 paces of “1926”.



V 4/16

Carlisle Quest is a creation of Cumberland Conservation Collaboration and is supported by the Partnership for Better Health, Carlisle Parks and Recreation Dept. and the  Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau.

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