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Carlisle Quest:  Goal 5

Carlisle Quest: Goal 5                                                                                   Approx. 1.6 Miles


Start: Veteran’s Park (corner of High and Hanover St, Carlisle)


The major streets of Carlisle are laid out north-south and east-west.  For example, the square in Carlisle consists of Hanover St., running north-south, and High St., running east-west. 


Walking directions will sometimes be given in cardinal directions (e.g. turn east) so it is important that you maintain a directional “sense” throughout your walk.  Otherwise, you could become lost.  Proceed at your own peril.


There is a Civil War memorial in Veteran’s Park to those Cumberland County soldiers who fell in the “Great Rebellion”.  Look up the names of the following soldiers – each is on a different tablet that refers to a compass direction.  Remember what direction each represents. 


Peter Paul

Levi Kennedy

Isaac Bear

Eli Ford


Go Isaac Bear direction from the square to the first traffic light and turn Eli Ford.


Proceed until the first stop sign and turn left.  You will pass a firehouse With the date 1931 on it) on your right.  Keep walking.


When you get to a one-way street going Levi Kennedy, go in that direction walking on the left side of the street.  Eventually you will see the Alexander House on your left (pay attention).  Turn left at the very next intersection. Proceed.


At the next corner, turn right and go to the first traffic light.  Turn Peter Paul and walk until you cross a bridge.


Immediately turn left on the other side of the bridge and follow the flow.  What you seek can be found where you can sit.



V 4/15


Goal 1     Goal 2     Goal 3     Goal 4     Goal 5     Goal 6     Goal 7     Goal 8     Goal 9

Goal 1     Goal 2     Goal 3     Goal 4     Goal 5     Goal 6     Goal 7     Goal 8     Goal 9

Carlisle Quest is a creation of Cumberland Conservation Collaboration and is supported by the Partnership for Better Health, Carlisle Parks and Recreation Dept. and the  Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau.

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