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Board of Directors 2-11-14

Cumberland County Coalition for a Sustainable Future

Minutes of the February 11, 2014 meeting of the Board of Directors


President, Rick Rovegno called the new Board of Directors to order at 6 pm.  The following Board members were present and constituted a quorum:


Rick Rovegno

Gil Freedman

Jerry Wilkes

Susan Richards

Bill Schneider

Anna Yelk

Ben Mummert


2.  The following motion was proposed and seconded:


The name of the Cumberland County Coalition for a Sustainable Future is changed to the Cumberland Conservation Collaborative (CCC).


The motion passed unanimously and will be referred to John Oszustowicz for appropriate actions to effect a legal change of name.


3.  March 17, 2014 was selected for the next general meeting of the CCC.  Preferred site is Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau with CC Service Center as backup.


4.  Discussion centered on possible (near term, this calendar year) projects for the CCC including:


  • Create a compendium of conservation organizations for inclusion in the Sentinel; identify volunteer opportunities.


  • Generate more exposure of the Silver Spring referendum.  Create a “how to” document to assist groups in other municipalities do the same.


  • Host a panel discussion by the 2015 County commissioner candidates on conservation.


  • Coordinate a combined watershed Spring volunteer supported clean up day.  Perhaps also extend to land-focused organizations.


  • Create a conservation organization resource list of what can be shared to promote efficiency.


5.  The Board agreed that the March 17 general meeting would focus on project selection


6.  The Board adjourned at 730 pm.



Respectfully submitted:




Jerry Wilkes



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