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Member Missions

Agriculture Land Preservation Board

Agriculture Land Preservation Board

The Agricultural Land Preservation Board is responsible for overseeing implementation of the Agricultural Conservation Easement (ACE) Program. The purpose of the ACE Program is to protect viable agricultural lands by acquiring agricultural conservation easements that prevent the development or improvements of land for any purpose other than agricultural production.



The Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) is a project of the Environmental Studies Department at Dickinson College. Since its founding in 1986, ALLARM has become a nationally recognized technical and programmatic support center for community organizations interested in watershed assessment, protection, and restoration

Alliance for the Bay

Alliance for the Bay

Over its 40-year history, the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has focused on building partnerships, connecting people to the Bay, its rivers, and local watersheds, and healing the land and water through hands-on conservation. Through these efforts, healthy streams and rivers, quality communities, and a healthy economy can be a reality.

CV Appalachian Trail Club

CV Appalachian Trail Club

We work to raise community awareness of the Trail, and perpetually protect and conserve its corridor. We also seek to conserve wild lands and wildlife, natural, historical, and agricultural resources along the Trail.

Audubon Pennsylvania

Audubon Pennsylvania

Audubon Pennsylvania's mission of conserving and restoring natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, wildlife, and their habitats helps to shape the Commonwealth's conservation agenda. Working with state, local and federal officials, along with our network of chapters, volunteers and many partners, Audubon PA is protecting and restoring Pennsylvania's natural heritage.

Capital RC&D

Capital RC&D

The Capital Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Area Council is a locally led non profit that creates partnerships of citizens, businesses, agencies, and organizations in its seven county area to enhance the quality of life for those who live and work there. Its goals are: a sound and sustainable organization; increased water quality/quantity; effective land conservation/management; sustainable economic development; and efficient/alternative energy programs.

Carlisle Parks and Rec. Dept.

Carlisle Parks and Rec. Dept.

The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Department is to provide the citizens of Carlisle with a variety of year-round recreational programs, and to secure and maintain adequate parks and open space to meet the needs of the community. The department is a full service municipal agency that owns and/or maintains 18 park areas, totaling more than 175 acres of park land for the community. In addition, the department provides recreational programs and services for all ages.

Carlisle Bks Outdoor Rec.

Carlisle Bks Outdoor Rec.

The Carlisle Barracks Outdoor Recreation programs provide soldiers, military retirees and their families with opportunities to participate in, and enjoy, the great outdoors by offering outdoor activities and adventure. These include indoor rock climbing, white water rafting or kayaking, hiking, fishing and camping. We plan, and run programs to include skiing, hiking, and fishing trips for your family or group. We have programs to get you there, and we’re adding new adventures each month.

Central PA Conservancy

Central PA Conservancy

Central Pennsylvania Conservancy's mission is to conserve natural resources and open space for the benefit of current and future generations through land acquisition, conservation easements, education and outreach in the Central Pennsylvania Region. CPC is dedicated to preserving Central Pennsylvania's natural beauty. Through our efforts and the support of our members we have preserved thousands of acres of land for future generations.

Clean Air Board

Clean Air Board

The Clean Air Board of Central Pennsylvania is a faith-based citizens’ initiative dedicated to achieving clean air to protect our health and quality of life. We accomplish our mission by: raising public awareness of air quality issues; advocating, promoting and coordinating policy and practices for clean air; and monitoring air quality.

Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Assoc.

Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Assoc.

The Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association is a non-profit, environmentally concerned citizens group created to take appropriate action on matters that affect the welfare of the Conodoguinet Creek watershed.

Cumberland Co. Planning Department

Cumberland Co. Planning Department

The Cumberland County Planning Department’s mission is to partner with our urban, suburban, and rural communities to implement plans that promote economic development, provide more housing and transportation choices, and protect clean air, land, and water.

Cumb. Co Recycling & Waste Authority

Cumb. Co Recycling & Waste Authority

The mission of the Solid Waste & Recycling Authority is to provide for the long-term management of Cumberland County municipal solid waste in an environmentally sound and cost effective manner through planning, education, program implementation, and technical assistance. In addition, the Authority encourages people to view waste as a resource for creating a sustainable future.

CV Rails to Trails Council

CV Rails to Trails Council

Preserving the beauty and history is the mission of the Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council. CVRTC has developed 11 miles of the former CVRR into an improved multi-use trail between Newville and Shippensburg. Enthusiasts can enjoy walking, jogging, bicycling, horseback riding and other non-motorized recreational uses. CVRTC also recently purchased the old RR corridor between Newville and Carlisle; a master plan has been completed and we are now seeking funding to start development.

Cumberland Valley Visitor's Bureau

Cumberland Valley Visitor's Bureau

The Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau (CVVB) is the official Destination Marketing Organization of Cumberland Valley, PA (a.k.a Cumberland County, PA) and is the driving force behind marketing it as a travel destination to leisure and group travelers, meeting planners and media. The CVVB also assists area businesses with tourism development by providing training seminars, cooperative advertising, and grant and loan opportunities.

Cumberland County Historical Society

Cumberland County Historical Society

The mission of the CCHS is to collect, preserve, interpret and promote research and education about the history of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Our vision is to become a national model for demonstrating how history, story-telling, material culture and preservation promotes social well-being, service and citizen engagement with local resources.

Cumberland Co. Conservation District

Cumberland Co. Conservation District

The Cumberland County Conservation District is a governmental agency that advocates the stewardship and protection of the natural resources of Cumberland County to sustain and improve the quality of life for its citizens.

Carlisle Chamber of Commerce

Carlisle Chamber of Commerce

The Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce is a catalyst that actively promotes and supports responsible economic growth and stability in the Carlisle region, while continuing to provide enhanced benefits for our membership and a vibrant quality of life for our community. We also help guests and tourists find what they're looking for, in order to have the best visit possible.

Environmental Committee of CVR

Environmental Committee of CVR

The Environmental Committee seeks to advocate for a better relationship with our surroundings by working alongside community partners, local enthusiasts and concerned citizens. Together we strive to amplify visibility on local and national issues so that we may pursue the most effective action to support environmental justice.



Green-CAUSE is an organization that connects municipal green organizations in Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, and York counties to facilitate the sharing of information, to promote green living and green business, and to provide education about good stewardship practices that improve and maintain our water, air, and earth.

LeTort Regional Authority

LeTort Regional Authority

The LeTort Regional Authority protects and preserves the LeTort Spring Run and its watershed, develops access and recreational opportunities associated with the stream, and promotes land-use practices intended to minimize flooding.

Friends of Opossum Lake Conservancy

Friends of Opossum Lake Conservancy

Friends of Opossum Lake Conservancy (FOLC) is a 501 C 3 non profit charitable organization committed to restoring and preserving Opossum Lake and the 215 acres surrounding it by working collaboratively with the Township, County, and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.

PA Cleanways

PA Cleanways

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is the result of two organizations with similar missions joining together to achieve a common vision, a clean and beautiful Pennsylvania. In 2010, PA CleanWays (1990) and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful (2003) merged to become the new Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful whose mission is empowering Pennsylvanians to make our communities clean and beautiful.



The PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) works with community organizations to succeed. Pennsylvania is committed to developing and enhancing its communities, from downtown revitalization and home weatherization to assisting the homeless and more. DCED works directly with community organizations to address the needs of both specific citizens and communities as a whole.

Keystone Trails Association

Keystone Trails Association

To provide, protect, preserve, and promote recreational hiking trails and hiking opportunities in Pennsylvania.

The PA Forest Coalition

The PA Forest Coalition

The Pennsylvania Forest Coalition is a unique alliance of 2,746 hunters, hikers, anglers, landowners, wildlife-watchers, paddlers, bikers, churches and conservation groups who are united in our concern for the stewardship of our public lands. Its mission is good stewardship of our public lands.

Partnership for Better Health

Partnership for Better Health

The Partnership for Better Health champions and invests in ideas, initiatives and collaborations that improve the health of the people and communities in our region. We serve as a catalyst and advocate to establish health as a shared priority and to ensure that everyone has what they need for good health, making our communities among the healthiest in the nation.

South Mountain Partnership

South Mountain Partnership

The partners in the South Mountain Partnership have a wide array of expertise, representing state and local governments, non-profit organizations and educational institutions. They are working together to protect the quality of life in the region and its sense of place. South Mountain is host to globally significant natural, cultural and recreational resources that contribute to the economic well being of the region.

Silver Spring Township

Silver Spring Township

Our mission is to provide outstanding public service, superior facilities and effective natural resource conservation. It is our hope to achieve this through a mix of tax and non-tax resources, partnerships, grants and gifts. The Department will create a professional atmosphere that attracts and retains high caliber employees.

Yellow Breeches Watershed Assoc.

Yellow Breeches Watershed Assoc.

The Yellow Breeches Watershed Association (YBWA) is committed to cooperatively foster public understanding and sound management of environmental resources in the Yellow Breeches Watershed. The YBWA is a solution-oriented organization, providing technically sound information, education, leadership and coordination in the field of watershed management.

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