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Cumberland County Programs
The Cumberland County Land Partnerships Plan is a countywide strategy designed to maintain and improve the quality of life in Cumberland County through farmland preservation, natural resource protection, and parks, trails, and greenways development.
The Plan aims to achieve a healthy balance between preservation and development, by identifying important natural and agricultural features, offering recommendations to protect those resources for current and future generations, and encouraging action and partnerships within the community to achieve these goals.
Previous Land Partnerships Plans were created in 2006, 2013, and a recent process produced a new plan for 2024.
2013 Land Partnerships Plan
2024 Land Partnerships Plan (pending final approval)
Land Partnerships Grant Program
Cumberland County Farmland Preservation Program
Cumberland County Conservation District Programs
Natural Areas Inventory of Cumberland County (update coming soon!)
Cumberland County Return on Environment Report, 2015 (update coming soon!)

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