Serving our County.
The Cumberland Conservation Collaborative (CCC) seeks to act together to protect, restore and enhance natural resources and quality of life in Cumberland County.
March 9, 2020, 6pm
Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau
53 West South Street, Carlisle PA 17013
Upcoming Events
Municipal Land Preservation forum
Tuesday September 10th 2019
Located at the county office facility on Allen
Road in Carlisle.
Climate Change Effects on Municipal Infrastructure forum
Wednesday October 16th 2019
Located at the ATS auditorium on
the Dickinson College Campus
Conodoguinet Creek Cleanup
Third Saturday of Every month
The Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association will be hold creek cleanups on the third Saturday of every month starting in May (May 19th) and ending in September. Hope to see you out there!
Next CCC Meeting
July 16th, 2018
July 17th will be the next meeting and will occur at 6pm. The meeting will take place at the Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau. The address is: 53 West South Street, Carlisle PA 17013. There will be a speaker coming!