Serving our County.
The Cumberland Conservation Collaborative (CCC) seeks to act together to protect, restore and enhance natural resources and quality of life in Cumberland County.
March 9, 2020, 6pm
Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau
53 West South Street, Carlisle PA 17013
Carlisle Quest: Goal 9
Carlisle Quest: Goal 9 Approx. 1.3 Miles
Start: Veteran’s Park (corner of High and Hanover St, Carlisle)
The major streets of Carlisle are laid out north-south and east-west. For example, the square in Carlisle consists of Hanover St., running north-south, and High St., running east-west.
Walking directions will sometimes be given in cardinal directions (e.g. turn east) so it is important that you maintain a directional “sense” throughout your walk. Otherwise, you could become lost. Proceed at your own peril.
There is a Civil War memorial in Veteran’s Park to those Cumberland County soldiers who fell in the “Great Rebellion”. Look up the names of the following soldiers – each is on a different tablet that refers to a compass direction. Remember what direction each represents.
George Forney
Keller Bobb
Henry T. Green
Frank Cramer
From the square, go Frank Cramer on Hanover St.
Turn west at the second traffic light and walk to the next street corner – with two streets crossing – not alleys.
If you are correct so far, three of the four buildings at this intersection will be brick: red, white, and light green. The fourth has yellow siding.
Turn right.
Walk to the first traffic light and turn Keller Bobb.
Go a block, turn left at the light, and keep walking. You should now be on Keller Bobb St. Please be careful on the historic brick sidewalks.
Walk several streets and turn left at the “225” sign on the left side of the street. Hint: it is on a vertical “I” beam at a corner.
Keep walking past the stop sign until you see a fence, grass, and playground on your right.
What you seek is on the sign.
V 4/15
Carlisle Quest is a creation of Cumberland Conservation Collaboration and is supported by the Partnership for Better Health, Carlisle Parks and Recreation Dept. and the Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau.